Alpheus Elijah Kistler

& his wife

Florence Matilda Lamb Kistler

Kistler Family ~

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Alpheus Elijah Kistler Family lineage
Alpheus Elijah Kistler
Rollie Kistler - family resemblance to his Uncle Alpheus.

A Bit of Trivia
From the time he was born and even after entering school, Alpheus Elijah Kistler, was known as Alf. So he accepted this as his given name without question. As an adult Alf was quite the inventor and thus, with a model in hand, he went to Washington, D.C. to secure a patent on his first invention, the plow. While the forms he had filled out were being checked, he was advised that Alf could not be his name but it must be short for something else. So he told them Alfred. He was informed he could not guess at it for they must have his correct legal name. Upon Granddad's return to Ohio, he was seen walking up to the main house to learn exactly WHAT was his name. Later he could be heard swearing as he returned home. Alpheus . . . what a name . . . never heard of anyone called Alpheus. He was not pleased that day regarding his discovery nor was he ever happy about it. He would continue to be known as Alf.

Source: Florence Kistler Botts 05/08/01
Alpheus Kistler Family lineage
Florence Matilda Lamb Kistler
Alpheus Kistler

Candy Dish belonging to Alf and Florence Kistler.

This child's cup was used by Florence Lamb.
There is a lamb embossed on both sides..

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Elijah built his home around 1869
A different wood paneling was used in the rooms.
My Mother, Florence Kistler Botts remembers many occasions in this home.
This photograph taken sometime in the last 50s
before                                      after
The home was renovated in the 70s

Every window was removed and restored
as was the paneling and outside wood works.

Old spring house located back of home.  Their barn is just across the road
 Spring water flows through the dwelling.
 It kept the food stored there during the summer cool.


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